Montessori Materials

The Montessori materials reflect the curriculum of learning and are intended to inspire the child into critical thinking and independent exploration. The materials from Montessori are provocative, appealing and easy to use. Our Montessori materials include appropriate independent learning and experimentation in any given classroom to cover three years of the growth of any individual child.
Each Montessori materials are designed to meet the needs of the child and promotes the gradual layering of education and knowledge. Each piece of Montessori material is referred to as a "control of error." It will be self-evident if the child has done any learning experience incorrectly.
Our Montessori educator sits with the children and starts the process again to teach a child how to perform correctly with steps rather than correcting them. In a progression of building hand strength and dexterity, Montessori materials instruct children; tracing letter and number shapes; and finally writing the alphabet and numbers on their own.